
Ocean Freight

We offer reliable ocean freight services, ensuring your goods are transported safely and efficiently across the seas.


Rail Freight

Our rail freight services provide a reliable and cost-effective solution for transporting your goods over long distances.


Land Freight

Our land freight services ensure the safe and timely delivery of your goods across various destinations with utmost reliability.


Air Freight

Our air freight services offer fast and reliable transportation solutions for your urgent and high-value shipments.

Get in touch with us

Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries. We are here to assist you with all your needs and provide the best possible service. .

Support Center 24/7

+3 0 800 046 24 42 (BE only)

00800 423 71 62 (Denmark)

0 800 613 2231 (Turkey)

52 452 7435 (Hong Kong)

011 91456 72491932 (India)

Our Location
Grotehondstraat 40, 2018
Antwerpen, Belgium
800 331 29 32 (only Belgium)